The attorneys at Van Haaften & Farrar have years of experience in both prosecuting & defending individuals accused of a crime. This unique perspective provides their clients with the protections guaranteed all citizens under our state & federal constitutions. Our attorneys are here to represent you in any criminal matters, including felonies, misdemeanors & driving offenses.
Van Haaften & Farrar is a full-service community law firm located in Posey County & serving all of Southwest Indiana. Our attorneys represent the families, businesses & local governments of the area, whether large or small, with broad knowledge & experience in the areas of the law affecting their clients. Our attorneys use the value of hard work & personal commitment instilled in them by their Posey County upbringings to diligently serve their clients & their interests. Whether it is in the courtroom or at the bargaining table, the attorneys at Van Haaften & Farrar bring a common sense approach to the law, focusing on solution-oriented planning & execution for all their clients.
CALL: (812) 838-1400 | FAX: (812) 838-1401